Adam Khan Durkhanai
Dastan e Ishq brings you the classic romance from Pashto literature. Adam Khan Durkhanai's love story is kept alive through the tradition of storytelling that has been passed from generation to generation.There is a hujra in Barikot where young musicians go to break a twig off a yellow flowering shrub that Adam Khan had supposedly used to strum his rabab with all those centuries ago. Adam Khan was from Kooza (Lower) Bazdara and Durkhanai was from Upper Bazdara. Adam Khan the son of Hasan Khan was a very handsome young man and was famous among peers for playing beautiful tunes on his Rabab. Durkhanai, daughter of Taus Khan, was an extraordinarily beautiful young woman who was very intelligent to boot. Not having a son Taus Khan showed incredible open mindedness for his times when he indulged his daughter by providing her learned tutors who schooled her in all there was to learn. The love story takes a tragic turn in the end. There are few articles available online about Adam Khan and Durkhanai's epic love tale.